Facade®-EM (3α-hydroxy-7α,12α-di-((O-ß-D-maltosyl)-2-hydroxyethoxy)-cholane) is a two-dimensional amphiphile with hydrophobic and hydrophilic faces. With its divergence from the traditional one-dimensional polar-head/nonpolar-tail molecules, this new class of detergents has a superior ability to stabilize integral membrane proteins. Keep reading to learn more.
One of the main challenges in protein biochemistry is the study of membrane proteins. This is especially true when working outside of the parameters of the natural lipid environment. When conducting in vitro studies, researchers rely heavily on the solubilization of membrane proteins—which typically requires wisely-chosen solubilizing detergents and mixed lipid/detergent systems.
Facade®EM (3α-hydroxy-7α,12α-di-((O-β-D-maltosyl)-2-hydroxyethoxy)-cholane) may be used in several ways.
It can be used as a facial amphiphile detergent to purify protoxin-II (ProTx2)-voltage-sensor domain II (VSD2)-voltage-gated sodium (NavAb) channel. It can also be used as an additive in fluorescence quenching experiments of pentaene-SM 18, or to form isotropic bicelles with p75 for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies.
From unique detergents exclusive to Avanti to detergent kits and beyond, Avanti Polar Lipids has the products, services, and expertise you need to ensure the best results from your research—every time. Order Facade®EM here, or browse our entire catalog of detergents here.
Xu H, Li T, Rohou A, Arthur CP, Tzakoniati F, Wong E, Estevez A, Kugel C, Franke Y, Chen J, Ciferri C, Hackos DH, Koth CM, Payandeh J. Structural Basis of Nav1.7 Inhibition by a Gating-Modifier Spider Toxin. Cell. 2019 Feb 7;176(4):702-715.e14. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.12.018. Epub 2019 Jan 17.
PubMed ID: 30661758Ho H, Miu A, Alexander MK, Garcia NK, Oh A, Zilberleyb I, Reichelt M, Austin CD, Tam C, Shriver S, Hu H, Labadie SS, Liang J, Wang L, Wang J, Lu Y, Purkey HE, Quinn J, Franke Y, Clark K, Beresini MH, Tan MW, Sellers BD, Maurer T, Koehler MFT, Wecksler AT, Kiefer JR, Verma V, Xu Y, Nishiyama M, Payandeh J, Koth CM. Structural basis for dual-mode inhibition of the ABC transporter MsbA. Nature. 2018 May;557(7704):196-201.
PubMed ID: 29720648Lee, S.C., B.C. Bennett, W.X. Hong, Y. Fu, K.A. Baker, J. Marcoux, C.V. Robinson, A.B. Ward, J.R. Halpert, R.C. Stevens, C.D. Stout, M.J. Yeager, and Q. Zhang. (2013). Steroid-based facial amphiphiles for stabilization and crystallization of membrane proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110:E1203-11. [PubMed]
PubMed ID: 23479627Zhang, Q., X. Ma, A. Ward, W.X. Hong, V.P. Jaakola, R.C. Stevens, M.G. Finn, and G. Chang. (2007) Designing facial amphiphiles for the stabilization of integral membrane proteins. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 46:7023-5. [PubMed]
PubMed ID: 17691085Kot EF, Goncharuk SA, Arseniev AS, Mineev KS. Phase Transitions in Small Isotropic Bicelles. Langmuir. 2018 Mar 6. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b03610.
PubMed ID: 29486112
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